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What commencement of action am I filing? Plus other q's.

PennsylvaniaMechanics Lien

This is my first time and I am having trouble filling out Section A Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Court of Common Pleas, Civil Cover Sheet for a mechanic's lien. It wants me to check a box for Commencement of Action but I am unfamiliar with the selection of choices, their terms and how they fit my situation. the Commencement of Action selections include: -complaint -writ of summons -petitions -transfer from another jurisdiction -declaration of taking Here is my situation...I am filing the mechanics lien to recover money (~1700) owed to my company by a client after a job was stopped per the client's request. The cost of labor is what is being requested. What is my commencement of action, given the previously stated options? Other questions I need to answer from section A include: 1. are money damages requested? yes or no. I assume yes because I didn't get paid and am looking to recover that, hence the reason of the lien. Is that what this is looking for? 2. dollar amount requested (check 1) * within arbitration limits OR * outside arbitration limits -please advise now, the certificate of compliance... Ive signed and written my name, and I the same person to submit it as well? I'm confused as levelset is submitting it seems, or am I wrong? It reads: submitted by: ______________ Signature: _________________ Name:__________ Attorney No. (if applicable): ________________________ Notice of filing a claim, same issue, it reads: "Please be Advised that on the following date (which is left blank), there was filed in the copurt of common pleas, etc...a mechanics lien claim, a true and correct copy etc" Do I fill it in with the date I sign? or doers levelset fill it in when they truly submit it? LAST ONE... MECHANICS LIEN CLAIM BY A CONTRACTOR & NOTICE OF FILING AS CLAIM beside the Property Owner on both there is a line for a number. indicated by: NO. _____________________________ should I be filing that in? Should I know that information? Do I know that information? Thanks in advance for the help. I'm a little green :-)

1 reply

Dec 27, 2021

Pennsylvania Courts can be tricky because each county may have different requirements for filing a complaint or, in this case, a lien claim. To be safe in terms of filing the lien claim in a timely manner by the deadline, you may want to hire a local attorney who is familiar with the process - at least for the first time. That way, you will have a good model to work from in the future.

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