Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>What $ amount should be listed on a lien waiver when $0.00 payment is due?

What $ amount should be listed on a lien waiver when $0.00 payment is due?


What $ amount should be listed on a lien waiver when $0.00 payment is due? I have a GC that is insisting upon us putting $10.00 which doesn't sound correct ...

1 reply

Oct 25, 2021

Good afternoon Tami,

You want to put the actual amount, so I'm not quite sure why they would want you to put $10.00. If nothing is owed, go ahead and list $0.00. If they want more information you could share this page with them Florida Lien Waivers 

Please let me know if I can help any further and thank you for reaching out.

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