Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>We filed a Mechanics Lien. Now the GC has transferred the lien from Real PRoperty to Security. What's our next step?

We filed a Mechanics Lien. Now the GC has transferred the lien from Real PRoperty to Security. What's our next step?

FloridaBonding Off LienMechanics Lien

Good afternoon, On April 3, 2023 the company I work for filed a Mechanics Lien on a construction project in FL. Earlier this week we received notification that the GC transferred the lien from Real Property to Security. Our original M/L was in the amount of $24,481.70. The lien amount remains the same. At this point, what would be our next step to insure we receive payment? Do we need to file an amendment? File anything at this point? Thank you.

3 replies

May 11, 2023

The property is now free from your lien, which now is attached to the security. Any legal action on the lien would be against the security and the GC. You do not have to amend the lien. To collect you will have to engage a lawyer to represent your company. The enforcement of a construction lien has time limitations so you should consult with a lawyer sooner rather than later.

1 person found this helpful
May 11, 2023

We don't have to do a lien amendment. Would we still have 12 months (FL) from when we filed the original lien, April 3, 2023, to enforce legal action?  

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May 11, 2023

We don't have to file a lien amendment. Any legal action would be against the GC and Security. Do we still have 12 months from the original M/L filing, April 3, 2023, to enforce the lien?

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