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usefullness of trade references and visits to customer's premises when checking creditworthiness


usefullness of trade references and visits to customer's premises when checking creditworthiness of potential new customers

2 replies

Mar 29, 2022

Thank you for reaching out and I love your question! It is absolutely, in my opinion, imperative to check trade references and do customer visits when you are checking viability of a customers financial status and building relationships with them. There is nothing better than talking to them face to face, building that trust and seeing first hand what their situation is. Additionally, checking references and using your industry groups and peers to see their experience with the same customer.  

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May 16, 2022
Hello, In these times I think trade references are a bit out dated. Who is going to give you the reference they pay badly to check? I do love to do customer visits! Establishing and maintaining a relationship with them is so important. I don't know if you can really get a grasp of their credit worthiness by a visit though. Please follow up with reports such as Experian or DNB
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