Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>(URGENT) Looking to file suit in less than a week for a lien placed on property. Echols County GA (Statenville, GA)

(URGENT) Looking to file suit in less than a week for a lien placed on property. Echols County GA (Statenville, GA)


Looking to hire a Georgia or Florida attorney to handle this case. Please call Basil Hughes 904-271-1900 for questions about the case.

1 reply

May 10, 2023
If your question is urgent then you need to call an attorney's office directly. This public online forum is not for urgent legal issues. It takes up to 8 business days to recive a response. Also, an attorney must be licensed in the state where the property that is being disputed is located. There is no either Georgia or Florida, only one state has jurisdiction. Here is Levelset's directory of construction attorney's offices: From that directory you may find a law firm in your area to call privately about your issue.
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