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storing materials for a job that isn't paying


We are storing materials for the job at our office location that requires a cooled environment so we have been storing and keeping those temperatures controlled but the job is not paying storage fees for almost 7 months and they aren't paying retention. They are not responding to any calls, emails or attempts to collect. What options do we have legally?

2 replies

Aug 3, 2022

Hi Tina - I'd want to see what written agreement or correspondence, if any, you had with your client regarding the job and the materials for that job. My next step would be a formal letter send by Certified Mail in which you detail the fact that your company has been incurring these storage costs for 7 months without payment, and give the client a short amount of time to pay the storage fees. At that time, there are some options you can consider, but I'd need more information about the underlying agreement between the parties to recommend further actions. Kevin Meade, Esq. - 949-502-7715

0 people found this helpful
Sep 12, 2022
You have done a great job on this article. It’s very readable and highly intelligent. You have even managed to make it understandable and easy to read. You have some real writing talent. Thank you. Philip Belamant
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