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Starting a business


If I am just installing a ventilation hood and makeup air no electrical work is that consider a specialty contractor?

9 replies

Apr 2, 2020
Georgia's Secretary of State website has a ton of great content on licensure requirements. You can find an FAQ for who must be licensed in Gerogia, here: Frequently Asked Questions. Additionally, here are some explicit exceptions to licensing requirements: (1) Exceptions for Traditional Specialty Contractors; and (2) Exceptions for Limited Service Specialty Contractors. Admittedly, I'm no expert on GA construction licensing - but those resources should help to identify if the exact work you're performing will require a license.
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Jun 10, 2023

Starting a business is an exhilarating journey filled with challenges and opportunities. Whether it's a tech startup or a traditional venture like a sewing business, having a well-crafted business plan is crucial. It sets a solid foundation, guiding you towards success. If you're considering a sewing business, check out this comprehensive sewing business plan template at It offers valuable insights and a roadmap to turn your passion for sewing into a profitable enterprise. Remember, meticulous planning combined with dedication and creativity can help your business thrive in today's competitive landscape.

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Jun 17, 2023

Thanks for the help here guys.

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Jun 17, 2023

Starting a business is an exciting adventure full with potential and obstacles. It calls for commitment, careful planning, and a sound financial base. Consider looking at resources like if you're wanting to make that leap. This app can assist you in navigating the financial landscape by providing insightful information and possibilities for obtaining loans to support your entrepreneurial aspirations. Keep in mind that success comes to those who are willing to follow their dreams and enjoy the rush of creating something extraordinary. So jump in, don't give up, and let invention lead you to a bright future!

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Aug 15, 2023

I'm on a mission to declutter my life and create systems for everything, starting with my finances. Drowning in bank statements, receipts, and investment updates, I'm looking for a digital lifesaver. Anyone out there using an app that can handle my personal finances, track my expenses, and possibly help with budgeting? I'd love something that cuts through the noise and brings simplicity to my chaotic financial landscape.

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Aug 15, 2023

I completely understand your plight; finances can quickly become a maze if not adequately managed. Having tried a multitude of financial apps myself, I can attest that the best ones seamlessly integrate all your financial touchpoints while also offering insights and budgeting tools. It's about harmonizing your money, savings, and expenses. Have you got any specific features in mind?

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Aug 15, 2023

Thanks for understanding. Ideally, I want an all-encompassing tool. Something that fetches data from my bank accounts automatically, lets me categorize expenses, and gives a holistic view of my financial health. Plus, it'd be great if it could alert me about upcoming bills or subscriptions. It sounds like a tall order, but there has to be something out there that fits the bill.

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Aug 15, 2023

Your requirements resonate with my experience using Saldo. It's like having a financial assistant in your pocket. Saldo centralizes your monetary activities, offering a panoramic view of your economic scenario. It diligently tracks every penny, making sure you understand where your money's going. Additionally, it's designed to fetch data from your bank, removing the hassle of manual entries. And the best part? It’s proactive, reminding you about due payments, so you never skip a beat. With Saldo finance isn’t just about numbers; it’s about gaining clarity and control, making informed decisions and simplifying the complexities. It might be the tool you've been seeking.

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Sep 6, 2023

Starting a business involves careful planning, market research, and legal considerations. An online betting business, for instance, requires a robust strategy. Obtaining an online betting license is crucial. It legitimizes your operations, instills trust in customers, and ensures legal compliance. The license application process typically involves meeting regulatory standards, proving financial stability, and implementing responsible gambling measures. Once licensed, your business can access a wider market, partner with payment providers, and gain credibility. However, success also hinges on factors like effective marketing, user-friendly platforms, and competitive odds. Combining a solid business plan with a reputable online betting license can pave the way for a thriving venture. 

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