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Should we include anyone in our follow up emails?


We are a commercial restaurant equipment supply company located in South Carolina. We finished a job out of state for a client in Arizona. We sent the notice of Intent to Lien to the customer for failure to pay balance on final invoice. We sent the final invoice to customer but they replied back wanting to deduct multiple change orders to their job. Out of the ones sent, we reviewed them and agreed to pay just a couple of them due to the fact that most of those change orders had nothing to do with the scope of work that we had quoted. We formulated an email response and need to know should anyone from Levelset or elsewhere should be included in this reply? Please advise.

1 reply

Aug 11, 2021
The email exchange doesn't have much to do with your mechanic's lien rights. There is no need to copy Levelset, as Levelset merely facilitates the recording of your lien. Assuming that your preliminary 20-day notice was mailed on time to preserve your mechanic's lien rights, you should consider recording the lien to help with your leverage. Your work is done and there is no reason to wait to record. Again, make sure your preliminary 20-day notice was timely and compliant with the statute because if it is not then you don't have lien rights.
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