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Should one demand letter be sent for multiple invoices?

ColoradoSlow Payment

We are a subcontractor who completed a job this month (September). We have one invoice that has not been paid since May, and another invoice that hasn't been paid since June. Is it best to group these amounts together into one demand, or send letters separately for each invoice considering their due dates were separate? Thank you for your time.

2 replies

Sep 30, 2022

I am sorry about the issues. You say these are just demands for payment. If it is a demand and not an intent to lien, then you can make the demand for the amounts due in one demand. 

If you are talking about an intent to lien (and you are running up against the limit as to May), then those must be separate and must comply to the letter all the requirements of the statute on form, timing, amount, service, so on. 

If this regards an intent to lien, reach out to a construction attorney today. 

Robert Murillo 

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Oct 5, 2022
One demand letter for the entire amount due should be sent with a deadline payment date. Should debtor not respond by paying balance in full, you would then have a certified commercial collection agency send an agency 10 day free demand letter. All funds received during this time period you will owe nothing for the free collection. Let me know if you require the demand letter. Best regards getting paid, Steve
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