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Question regarding project owners

New JerseyMechanics Lien

Hello! We are materials supplier on the project in NJ, and we want to file Lien. In our agreement with the client and on architectural set we have on file, we found owner name, but levelset scout research indicated other company as owner. What we should do in this situation? Can we include both companies on the Lien? Thank you

3 replies

Apr 13, 2022

It depends on several factors, inlcuding whether the project is a residential project or commercial construction. Speaking in general terms, you would need to provide notice to the property owner if you do not have a direct agreement with him or her. If it is a residential project, you would need to provide notice to the property owner regardless.  

It's unclear to me what type of project this is, but it sounds like you may have suppllied materials to someone who was leasing the property. Please feel free to reach out and provide copies of the documents if you want me to provide a more informed answer.

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Apr 13, 2022

Hello Colin, 

Thank you for your answer.

We supply windows to General contractor. We do ask to list project owner name in our agreement, in case we will need this information.

Problem is that sometimes information is different in different sources - agreement, architectural set, Levelset databases.

We are thinking if we will not have problems if we list all companies we find as owners, for example one company from our agreement and other which one levelset found as owner for specific building address.

Thank you 

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Apr 13, 2022

Our typical project type- commercial. 

We do not work on residential projects.

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