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Question about a lien

GeorgiaMechanics LienRight to Lien

Hey as a home stager do I have a right to lien a property in georgia

1 reply

Apr 23, 2020
Mechanics lien rights are available to those who have provided a permanent improvement to the project property. So, if something permanent was done, like repairs, installations, etc. - then lien rights could be available for that work. However, things like decorating, staging furniture, etc. won't give rise to lien rights. Ultimately, it makes sense too - mechanics lien rights attach to the property because the property, itself, has been permanently improved. Plus, mechanics lien rights were really designed to secure payments for construction work. So, work that's far afield from construction and work that doesn't provide a lasting improvement to the land or building typically won't give rise to lien rights. For more information on Georgia lien rights and who's entitled to them: Georgia Mechanics Lien Guide and FAQs.
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