
payment status

WashingtonSlow Payment

Hello I did a job in December 2019 billed before the 20th and had my affidavit complete and to this day of Feb 13 2020 have not been paid. what number can I call to check payment status or email. Thank you

1 reply

Feb 18, 2020
When unpaid for your work, it'd be a good first step to reach out to the customer to ask about payment. And, their contact information should likely be available - whether it's found in the contract for work, or whether that contact info has been shared throughout the life of the job. And, if you haven't exchanged the necessary contact information with your customer, then you may be able to track them down via the Washington contractor license search or secretary of state business search. Further, sending a simple invoice reminder might work to compel payment, too. Invoice reminders serve as a gentle nudge to remind customers that payment is outstanding without making the situation more adversarial. And, of course, stronger recovery options like sending a demand letter or even a Notice of Intent to Lien could do the trick, as well.
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