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Need to file lien without the property to file on....


We have been working with WanRack and filed a Lien yesterday with a rapid delivery service. I have no property to lien. We worked on a project that went thru several cities with all the work being done in the Right-of-way. There is no property to lien. I sent this to your legal team and have not heard back from them. I had a deadline of today in order to do the rush delivery. Can you follow up with your legal team to find out what the status is and how I go about filing this lien? Any help is much appreciated!!

1 reply

Apr 5, 2023

Levelset is not a lawfirm. If you paid for services through Levelset, contact customer service. You are posting where various attorneys (like our firm) answer questions and provide legal information. We do not work for Levelset. 

Given your facts, you are strongly advised to hire a lawfirm as if you file an improper lien, your company may be quickly sued and be liable for the attorneys' fees and damages. 

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