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My options as a home owner


We had our shared fence replaced by a fence company. They did a poor job explaining how they got supplies. After job was done they wanted payment in full. We paid out half the day job was completed. One week later the company called and said neighbor had not paid his half and if not paid that a lien would be placed on our property. Within the hour our neighbor paid. 2 months later we got a notice from the supplier that the fence company failed to pay for supplies and if not paid then a ML would be placed on our property. We have since learned that the fence company has failed to pay on over 5 accounts with same supplier and could be more. A ML has been placed on our property and an intent to sue notice has been sent to fence company with all accounts mentioned. What are my options

1 reply

Jul 20, 2021
You should retain a lawyer to look into this for you. A mechanics lien has a number of prerequisites that need to be met for the mechanics lien to be valid and enforceable. A good mechanics lien lawyer should be able to review and tell you whether the lien is enforceable and give you your options. There are also options to pursue your fence contractor if you have to pay twice. A lawyer will advise you of those too.
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