Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Mortgage Loan Papers are fraudulent, loan is nil and void, per RESPA law & size of noted house is wrong size

Mortgage Loan Papers are fraudulent, loan is nil and void, per RESPA law & size of noted house is wrong size


We were ripped off for a HUD Modular, 28' x 60, as stated on the mortgage papers, we signed. We received a 1600' foot, generic manufactured HUD house, built with RESPA violations, from day one. The mortgage was conceived without our knowledge, consent, or want of a manufactured home. We paid $168,500.00 in 2007. We owe approximately $190,000.00, after paying. I reported the builder and Wells Fargo bank and now, as senior citizens, we are ruined. Since the house wasn't built to RESPA code, which is not allowed to proceed. After all, the reporting of fraud, HUD, Wells, the State, everyone says, "Gee, I'm so sorry". We are seniors, my husband 71 is still working. We can walk away from $190,000.00 un-paid debt, that's it. The house is collapsing on our back wall. The house is worth $80,000.00. What do we do?

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