
Lien options


We are a subcontractor working for a GC on a publically owned and funded multifamily housing project. The GC noted mold growth on lumber we purchased for our scope of work and installed. Although we did purchase and install the materials/lumber, the GC is ultimately engaging our supplier's insurance to pay for all delay and remediation costs associated with the mold and treating the lumber that contained it. We are caught in the middle, however, in that the GC is holding up progress and future retention payments to us while the claim is being investigated. We are curious if we are able to lien the project, due to non-payment, and if there are any special considerations to it being a public project. Thank you!

1 reply

Nov 1, 2021

Thank you for reaching out Jesse! You typically have rights in this situation but need to determine if it would be a bond claim or lien filing. Due to the specifics, please reach out to our attorney network here so you can obtain the correct information.

Should you need any additional help, please let me know. Thank you.

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