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Is the below described work lienable?


Pressure tank was replaced after contractor hired to fix it, said he actually had to replace it. Is this lienable work or a collection matter? Tom M

1 reply

Mar 25, 2021

Generally, yes - installing a permanent fixture, like a pressure tank, will give rise to mechanics lien rights because it's a permanent improvement to the project property. Anything that gets substantially attached to the property and anything that ties into the property's plumbing would likely be a good candidate for lien rights.

Additionally, note that lienable matters generally are collections matters. Both tools are used to recover unpaid debts, though to be lienable, some permanent improvement must generally take place.

For further discussion on lien rights: (1) Just Received a Mechanics Lien Threat - What Should I Do Now?; and (2) A Mechanics Lien Was Filed On My Property - What Do I Do Now? 

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