I am an engineer who was working with two people (one of whom is the property owner) on a commercial project. I submitted a proposal and it was signed by one of the people. I was later notified by email by the 2nd person that I should revise my proposal to address it to the 2nd person and a different company name. I did this but never received that proposal back signed. In the mean time the project progressed - pricing was done and it was discovered the project was way over budget. At that point the 2nd person - who was the owner of the property on which the project was located - issued emails indicating everyone on the design team should send progress drawings as of that date and stop work. I (and all other people working on the project) sent invoices for the work done. Nothing has been paid. The only 'deliverable' was emails with pdfs of the design. Would I be limited to the 2 month period for laborers to file a lien or will I have the 4 month period?