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Is my company considered essential


I have a prefab panel shop. Am I considered an essential work place

1 reply

Mar 27, 2020
If the prefabricated panels are needed for construction or operation of projects that fit into Colorado's coronavirus stay at home order, then a prefab shop would presumably be considered "essential" allowing for it to remain open. To quote the governor's order: "Any business that produces products critical or incidental to the construction or operation of the categories of products included in this subsection" will be considered essential. To be sure, that same order defines the following types of construction as "critical businesses" Construction, Including but not Limited To:
  • Housing and housing for low-income and vulnerable people
  • Skilled trades such as electricians, plumbers
  • Other related firms and professionals for who provide services necessary
  • to maintain the safety, sanitation, and critical operation of residences and other Critical Businesses or Critical Government Functions, and other essential services
So, if your customers are considered essential or critical, then continuing work to supply those customers is likely acceptable. Keep in mind, though - this is a very fluid situation. So, you should keep an eye on local news outlets and announcements from the local, state, and federal government. Additionally, Levelset is updating its tracker regularly: Can I do Construction Work In my State?
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