Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Is it worth the money and trouble to file a lien for only $650?

Is it worth the money and trouble to file a lien for only $650?


I wasn't paid after completing the work that was agreed in a verbal contract. The amount is only $650 .

3 replies

Aug 3, 2021

Thank you for reaching out Philip,

Unfortunately this is tough to answer. Typically this will be personal choice. When I filed liens I would do anything over $500, other people tend to not do anything below $2500 - $5000.

Please let me know if I can help.

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Aug 4, 2021

Thank you Ms. Drake. If I file the lien will I also recoup the filing fee and other costs associated with it?

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Aug 5, 2021

Hi Philip, unfortunately I can not answer this for you. It completely depends on how you want to pursue it.

When I was a Credit Manager I required people to pay the fee for both filing the lien and releasing it. Legally you typically are not able to collect other costs or collection costs unless you have a signed agreement, or if you obtain a judgment (and have a signed agreement)

Let me know if I can answer anything else. Thanks again.

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