Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Information on how to obtain a Florida residential GC license through reciprocity from NC.

Information on how to obtain a Florida residential GC license through reciprocity from NC.


I currently have a general contractors license in NC. The license was issued in 2012. The license is in my business name, but I am the qualifier and took the test in my own name. I would like to apply for my Florida GC license in my own name. How long does this process take? My credit score is in the 700's. My CE's are up to date and my license is active and I just renewed it.

1 reply

Nov 16, 2022

Hello and welcome to FL! Reciprocity is a very limited category for licensure in Florida. It will likely depend on the kind of test you took to obtain your NC license and your experience thus far. Happy to speak with you further, if you'd like.


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