Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>IN TEXAS - Can a Landlord of commercial property file a Notice of Non-Responsibility to prevent a contractor from filing a lien for work performed in the premises by a tenant?
IN TEXAS - Can a Landlord of commercial property file a Notice of Non-Responsibility to prevent a contractor from filing a lien for work performed in the premises by a tenant?
I have filed Notices of Non -responsibility in Florida, and was wondering if there was something of the kind that could prevent a contractor from filing a lien on landlord's property for worked performed by a tenant.
1 reply
Feb 26, 2019
Good question! While some states allow for the use of a Notice of Nonresponsiblity (or some similar notice), they aren't available everywhere. To my knowledge, and upon brief review of the Texas Property Code, there does not appear to be a Notice of Nonrepsonsibility available to relieve landlords from potential liens caused by their tenants' improvements in Texas. For more background on Notice of Nonresponsibility documents, this resource should be available: How a Notice of Non-Responsibility Can Negate a Mechanics Lien Claim For more info on Texas lien law, this resource should be valuable: Texas Lien & Notice FAQs