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In CA if there is no contract singed by both parties only estimated price, can contractors

CaliforniaMechanics Lien

In CA if there is no contract signed, can contractors file mechanics lien against the property?

4 replies

Oct 21, 2020

The lack of a written contract in of itself does not necessarily preclude a contractor from the right to record a lien if it otherwise would be able to. The contractor will need to be able to demonstrate that the work performed was authorized and that they are properly licensed, among other things. But liens pursuant to verbal agreements have been enforced by courts in this state. 

3 people found this helpful
Oct 21, 2020
Thank you Peter.
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Oct 22, 2020

Yes, if you improved the property a lien may be recorded for the reasonable value of the work - written contract or not.

2 people found this helpful
Oct 22, 2020
Thank you so much Andrew.
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