Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>I'm an independent contractor for a trucking company. They have repeatedly deducted money from my settlements with out my authorization. Can I put a lein on their trailer?. When questioned about the deductions they claim they have a letter authorizing them to do so but have refused to share letter with me. The agent blames the company the company blames the agent. It's in my xcess of $18,000 I'm not the only driver they have done this to. Thanks Dave
I'm an independent contractor for a trucking company. They have repeatedly deducted money from my settlements with out my authorization. Can I put a lein on their trailer?. When questioned about the deductions they claim they have a letter authorizing them to do so but have refused to share letter with me. The agent blames the company the company blames the agent. It's in my xcess of $18,000 I'm not the only driver they have done this to. Thanks Dave
I'm very sorry to hear about that. First, while some type of lien or encumbrance might be available, this does not sound like the type of situation that'd give rise to mechanics lien rights. A mechanics lien creates a security interest in the underlying real estate when a party has performed construction work at that property and gone unpaid. Other liens and encumbrances exist - such as, potentially, a lien against a vehicle - but that's a little bit outside of our expertise at the Construction Legal Center. Of course, there are some other online resources that might be able to answer your question - such as avvo.com. Avvo has lawyers available from all different practice areas to answer questions on a number of different topics. Good luck!
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Oct 14, 2022
They did me same way Michael Lockhart. Text me and let me know it's you 773 6291264
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Oct 14, 2022
Thanks for the information, I will try to figure it out for more. Keep sharing such informative post keep suggesting such post.