Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>If I was a superintendent on multiple sites can I group them or how does that rework if the general co didn’t pay me

If I was a superintendent on multiple sites can I group them or how does that rework if the general co didn’t pay me

GeorgiaMechanics Lien

I went to work for a guy was supposed to pay me $1500 a week plus reimburse me for the first week in my motels I was going to relocate there once I got there they tried to list me as a subcontractor under my previous business name and help me buy materials which bus pay for my fuel didn’t pay for any didn’t pay for my mileage didn’t have me on Workmen’s Comp. didn’t pay me overtime didn’t even pay me the 1500 only worked one week but they only paid me $300 and I called him he told me to do whatever I need to do but I was a subcontractor checking on the construction of four or five houses so I need to know whether I need to do them all separately or group them or what

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