Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>If I plan to erect a metal barn structure, then build a home w/same builder , do I need a NOC for each or one for both?

If I plan to erect a metal barn structure, then build a home w/same builder , do I need a NOC for each or one for both?


I own property with plans to build a barn then a home with the same builder. No lender is involved.

1 reply

Oct 22, 2021

If the project is being completed in two phases, it is likely you will need to record a NoC for each phase. NoC's are only valid for one year and sometimes need to be renewed for longer projects. Your county building department and scope of permit may have some strong bearing on this question as if barn is permitted as a separate project, the scope of work in the first permit would not include the residence. It is always prudent for owners to consult with experienced construction counsel when contemplating a new build. The proffered "standard" new build contract is typically weighted heavily in builder's favor and proposed revisions can result in a more balanced agreement.

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