Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>I would like to dispute the Mechanic Lien placed on my property and below is a little explanation as to why.

I would like to dispute the Mechanic Lien placed on my property and below is a little explanation as to why.

FloridaMechanics Lien

Hello,I received a Mechanics lien on my property by Ritz Craft Pools and the reason why there is still an outstanding balance is because the work has not been completed. My reference number is 10161934. The reason that this is an issue, is because Ritz Craft did not follow the scope of work and get the power for the lights from the breaker panel that was designated for the lights and instead took my sprinkler well pump power and used it for the lights and that left my well pump without power, so now I have no sprinklers to water my yard. The result is that Ritz Craft has to run a new power supply from the breaker panel that was designated for the lights out to my sprinkler pump to restore power, that they decided to use instead of what was designated for the lights, this will involve removing pavers that were already installed and digging a trench out to the pump pad, lay the piping, pull new wire and connect it to the breaker in the panel that was originally designated for the lights and replace the pavers. Ritz Craft is well aware after discussions that we have had about that issue and a few others that still aren't finished. They have concrete over spray all over the house wall, windows and doors, they came out and cleaned one area off and said that they are finished. I did show them pictures of the unfinished walls and they still have not come back to finish cleaning the concrete off of the walls. Ritz Craft knows all about these issues and I have stated to them that once the work is completed that I would make the final payment and we can be done with this, but they decided to leave the work unfinished and put a lien on my property because of their lack of professionalism. Thank You, Steve Riedel email

1 reply

Oct 13, 2022
Where is the property?
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