
I need help

NevadaMechanics Lien

I did my mechanics lein, it was placed on the property but the homeowner abandoned the house, and moved out of state. The granddaughter is the trustee on the home and offered the home as payment, what do I do? Payments still have not been paid and the house is just sitting. Do I have the right to obtain possession? And file this with the state accessors? And legally own this home, ? Or can the granddaughter just pull a loan to pay the debt. Her credit is shot and is in a bad place and I need some answers to help me get this behind me and move forward

1 reply

Apr 4, 2023
This sounds like more of a real property probate and trust law question and is beyond the scope of the practice of the constuction lawyers in this forum. You should reach out to an estate attorney in Nevada directly at their office. There are no such attorneys in the Levelset network. 
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