I was working on a house as a contractor and priced the work according to spec sheets given to me a year before the work began. We ended up with a dispute on tile and paint. The customer claimed the spec sheet included stone and NOT ceramic tile, and also included using a different brand of paint than what I recommended. I agreed to continue working for the same price because the spec sheets were missing. I later found them and the spec sheets said nothing about stone or special paint. The damages I suffered was in the thousands. I sued and customer paid half and asked me to come back and finish. I wrote a new contract that voided the prior one although the court case remained open for 60 days. He only owed $600 on the final contract and we had about two days left. He decided he didn't like the shower we built which was still in process and decided to fire us. He fired us and entered a counter claim. We agreed to redo parts of the shower he wanted changed and he said no. It seems to me that he agreed to guilt of my original claim by paying half. We went back to court a second time and he agreed to pay the second half of my claim and I would use that money to pay for redoing parts of his shower and paint touch ups he wanted. That is where we stand. I assume I have no legal liability to finish anything for him since he fired me. I would like the legal terms for that. I have no problem with him using the final money on my claim to pay for work on his house. The court still has another 60 day hold on the case. Customer wonders if insurance can cover the shower. I told him no because no damage was done to any property. Liability covers damage to existing property. In fact, I did not carry insurance for tile work either. I hope that doesn't become a problem for me. I did carry insurance for painting. I had planned on retiring and in fact I have and let insurance laps. The customer believes the entire shower needs to be rebuilt and I completely disagree. How do I handle this. I just want to make him go away. THANKS!!