Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>I have a Mechanic's lien on one of the properties, what options does the seller has to avoid paying the lien?

I have a Mechanic's lien on one of the properties, what options does the seller has to avoid paying the lien?

OhioMechanics Lien

i placed a lien on the property and the Title agency said that they are waiting on the seller to provide them with information on how they are handling the lien. what options does a seller have in state of Ohio to avoid paying the lien

1 reply

Dec 30, 2022

It's more on the buyer than the seller. The buyer can choose to purchase the property subject to the lien. This is less likely in financed deals, where the lender won't lend without clear title, but can happen more often in cash deals.

If you really want your money, it sounds like you will have to sue them.

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