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How to remove a lien


No NOC or NTO, or permit from the GC's roofer but they filed a lien and let the 60 day lien contested expired, how to remove the lien from my title

2 replies

Dec 6, 2020

Once the 60 days runs, the lien is void. So it should automatically be cleared. 

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Dec 6, 2020

If the Mechanic’s Lien is not timely recorded or a lawsuit to enforce it is not timely filed the owner may petition the court under Civil Code Section 8480. Before filing the petition, however, the owner must first serve the contractor with a notice providing them 10 days within which to remove the Mechanic’s Lien voluntarily. This notice must comply with the technical requirements of Civil Code Sections 8100 – 8119 so it is a good idea to consult with a lawyer before giving the 10 day notice.

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