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How to play weaver?


Keep the position of the green tiles, change the position of the yellow tiles and remove the gray tiles from the word to be guessed. Each day will give you a different challenge and use your reasoning ability to play the word ladder game

2 replies

Sep 21, 2022

That's the mark of the weaver game. 

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Sep 21, 2022

Weaving is a game that requires skills and concentration, so it's best to start with a simple game. Once you've mastered this, you can move on to more complicated games. It is a simple and fun game that anyone can play. It consists of weaving lines from one end of the screen to the other, while avoiding obstacles and collecting bonuses along the way. I would recommend this site for best tips about this game weaving. The object of the game is to weave lines of 3 or more blocks together without falling off the screen or getting hit by an obstacle (such as an exploding block). 

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