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How long do we need to keep our signed lien waiver copy--we received payment?

MissouriLien Waivers

We have years of signed lien waivers and would like to get rid of them. We weren't sure how long we had to keep them.

2 replies

Jul 14, 2020
Generally, it's a good idea to keep copies of lien waivers for at least as long as the signor would've had lien rights. The deadline to file a Missouri lien is typically 6 months after the claimant's last furnishing of labor or materials to the job. So, holding waivers for at least 6 months after project completion would be wise. Still - keep in mind that it shouldn't be much of a burden to keep digital files of your lien waivers stored on your computer, and digital copies of lien waivers are generally just as valid as hard copies. So, scanning in all of your lien waivers and keeping those digital copies indefinitely might be the safest way to proceed. So, potentially, keeping original copies for several months after project completion, then keeping digital copies of those signed waivers indefinitely might be a good plan. For further discussion on Missouri waivers: Missouri Lien Waivers Guide and FAQs.
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Jul 14, 2020
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