Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>How do I file a lien for a home owner's association?

How do I file a lien for a home owner's association?

WashingtonMechanics Lien

We are a general contractor hired to manage restoration construction projects involving a major fire at a condo building. All the individual condo owners have paid us but the home owner's association still owes us about $500,000. How do I file the lien? Do we lien the condo owners individually or the HOA?

3 replies

Feb 4, 2021
You should contact an attorney that handles construction law right away.
1 person found this helpful
Feb 4, 2021

Thank you for the quick reply! 


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Feb 12, 2021

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors including but not limited to:


  1. Which entities (HOA or individual homeowners) is (or are) your contract(s) with? (I would presume with the HOA)


  2. When was the LAST DAY that you provided materials, labor and/or equipment for the project (if MORE than 90 days, you may well have lost your lien rights -however, you would likely still have your rights under the Contract).


  3. Has the HOA asserted any claims of defective, incomplete or poor work?




You definitely should get your legal counsel on this sooner rather than later.




Good luck and good business.

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