Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>How can I send a 20-day Preliminary Notice to a homeowner for a residential plumbing project? Do we have lien rights ?

How can I send a 20-day Preliminary Notice to a homeowner for a residential plumbing project? Do we have lien rights ?


I am a subcontractor and have completed a residential project for a homeowner who is our customer and is valued at over $4,000.

1 reply

Oct 28, 2022
You just have to mail the preliminary 20 day notice to the homeowner's address. Make sure the contents of the notice comply with the statute. Also keep in mind that you will have lien rights only for work that was performed 20 days before the notice was sent and thereafter. So if work was completed more than 20 days ago, it is too late to send the notice now and you do not have lien rights. Your remedy in that case would be to sue for breach of contract.
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