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How can I remove a mechanics lien?


A contractor has placed a lien on our property that my team feels is not due. The contractor failed to provide quality work . When mentioned to them they stated that it was not mentioned in the final walk through that never happened and refused to make corrections or adjustments to the balance. My team has had to hire new contractors to correct the contractors mistakes. We do not have the time or money to take this to court

1 reply

Mar 2, 2022
The lien law provides several remedies that can allow you to remove the lien from the property by providing alternative security. This does not make the lien go away from the perspective allowing them to enforce it in court; but it does remove it as a cloud on title and place the owner in a situation where the lien does not effect them. Feel free to call if you would like to discuss it further. 484-531-1701
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