We do lots of asphalt repairs for cities? These maintenance projects range from $500 to $10,000. I know these projects don't require registering them with the DIR but are we still required to pay prevailing wages?
1 reply
Nov 16, 2018
That's a good question, and we've recently addressed some California prevailing wage questions in this article: Understanding the California Prevailing Wage Requirements. Before getting too far along - it's worth noting that projects for $1,000 or less in California do not require prevailing wages. More generally, "public works" typically refers to any construction, demolition, installation, or repair work according to the California Department of Industrial Relations. Section 1720(1) of the California Labor Code adds a little more color. It describes public works as: "Construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done under contract and paid for in whole or in part out of public funds..." Further, 1720(3) states this includes "Street, sewer, or other improvement work done under the direction and supervision or by the authority of any officer or public body of the state, or of any political subdivision or district thereof..." among other projects described under Section 1720. Thus, for road work set out by cities and other political subdivisions of the state, if that work meets or exceeds $1,000, it likely requires the use of prevailing wage rates.