Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Do we have a chance of still being able to file a lien?

Do we have a chance of still being able to file a lien?

MassachusettsConstruction ContractMechanics Lien

I'm a general contractor. We completed construction on 10/6/2021. The customer complained about issues and held payment until resolved. We have documented all resolutions and customer has still yet to pay the amount owed as of 3/21/2022. We are now wanting to file a lien for the remaining balance. We may have missed some of the deadlines because we were working on resolutions in good faith that the customer would pay us once resolved, but we would like to take measures to try and get paid and formally get the process of a lien going. are we out of luck or should we attempt to file? At the very least, we'd like the homeowner to see that we are serious by receiving the notices that we've filed because perhaps that will initiate a payment from them.

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