Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Do I need to go to court alone , and can I have them pay for court cost or lawyer fees ?

Do I need to go to court alone , and can I have them pay for court cost or lawyer fees ?

FloridaPayment Disputes

I am a small contractor I have put a lien on a building - it involved a lawyer to make sure it was right, seems like it would cost alot of $ to go to court when I did nothing wrong. The system does not seem that fair to me .If I go and destroy the work we did , then I would be in trouble ..

1 reply

Aug 21, 2020

IF it is small claims court, you can represent yourself. Small claims are below $8,000.00. You should try to consult with several attorneys to see if there are ways you can work with someone who will not be as expensive. At least there is a right to recover attorneys' fees under Florida's construction lien laws.

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