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Do I file a lien or a demand for payment

OregonPayment Disputes

We are a landscaping company and are trying to get this one customer to pay us! I understand that we are going through a pandemic and all, but we haven't received a penny since May of last year. We have sent demand letters and such, but they have ignored everything we have sent. I just found out that the customer sent an email TELLING US that we will charge him $35 an hour like we quoted him (Which I can guarantee that we did not, as we do not even charge our clients that amount!)

1 reply

Feb 22, 2021
Sounds like debtor is simply trying to use their leverage of not paying you to get you to agree to a lesser amount perhaps to make the debt not worth suing. I would suggest you leverage your position by having a certified commercial collection agency collect your account on a contingency bases, so you are not throwing more good money after a bad account. If the debtor is a company I can help you as we are members of the Commercial Collection Agency of America Association. If the debtor is an individual you would use an agency member of American Collectors Assoc. Best regards, Steve
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