Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I still file a mechanics lien in Texas after notice deadlines have passed

Can I still file a mechanics lien in Texas after notice deadlines have passed

TexasMechanics Lien

We are a third tier supplier on a project in Texas (G.C. - Sub-Contractor - Supplier) that hasn't been paid since our product was delivered and invoiced in January, 2022. We were unaware of the required notices until now. Is there still a way for us to file a lien? We are located in New Jersey, the project was in Texas Thank you,

1 reply

Sep 6, 2022
Texas courts are very strict about lien filing deadlines. Miss one by merely a day and it is lost. If you were a general contractor, you might have a constitutional lien which does not require a notice. However, you say you are a sub and therefore are not entitled to a constitutional lien.
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