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Can I still file a Mechanic's Lien?

IdahoMechanics Lien

General Contractor has paid the Subcontractor who rented equipment from us. He states if we continue with our Lien, he will have it thrown out & claims the Sub was hired to do a job, failed and when he declined to fix the problems he created, he left the GC with no choice other than to replace him. At that point the Sub had performed 35-40% of the work, for which he was paid $15k. The Sub's response was to bill the GC for 90% of our contract amount, and as the GC needed those funds to complete the work originally promised by the SUB, he cannot give the sub the 90% left on the contract. That is what the GC is saying the Sub's basis for claiming non payment. My question is can we still file a lien on the project even thought the GC did provide me a copy of a check that was paid to the Sub showing the $15k payment & it was cashed. Thank you for your time.

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