Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I place a lien on a failed construction company personal house?

Can I place a lien on a failed construction company personal house?


Hired Plains Building Systems on April 14th, Signed a contract and gave them a Material deposit for $16,125.00 they said they were 14-16 weeks out To build my building and spoke to Jeremy Carter on Aug 12th and he never mentioned anything about closing his doors and going out of business , This building was to House all of my belongings while I built my home, I did not resign my current lease and it is up next month, I believe Jeremy Carter never ordered my material and new all along he was going to close down and took my money and multiple other people's money, His personal home is up for sale and I would like to put a lien against it to secure my money ? Is this possible ?

3 replies

Sep 13, 2021
I am sorry for the issues. No, you may not file a mechanics' lien. That is solely for people who provide improvements and the like to real property not about disputes over contracts. You should file suit immediately and hope they default and then you can get a judgment lien and that you can place on the house. Talk to an attorney immediately.
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Sep 13, 2021
Will do, Thank you
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Sep 13, 2021
My pleasure. Given the amount at issue, you should talk to an attorney about a limited representation. There is also the possibility of pre-judgment remedies that could apply. You have to act very quickly, however. Our office provides limited representation and this is a summary
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