Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I file a mechanics lien on someone who has filed bankruptcy?

Can I file a mechanics lien on someone who has filed bankruptcy?


We have a roof project that we completed in October of 2017. The homeowner still owes $10,000 and we are trying to file a lien however, I found out he filed bankruptcy. Can I still file the lien on that?

2 replies

Oct 28, 2021
If the work was completed in 2017 your lien rights would now have expired. As such, the bankruptcy is irrelevant. You could however have filed a lien claim against the real estate despite the bankruptcy.
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Oct 28, 2021
No. You are too late. A lien must be claimed and suit to enforce it within 2 years of the last work for which the lien is claimed. Normally, you can perfect a lien even if a bankruptcy is filed.
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