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Can I file a mechanics lien?


Im a subcontractor on a commercial construction project and finished my work but havnt been paid in over 2 months. There were no issues with my work or my pay app and the GC and project manager are not returning my calls. I didnt file a preliminary notice but do have a contract with the GC with 30day payment terms.

3 replies

May 9, 2023

Yes, it appears you have lien rights. You must act quickly however to ensure your lien is filed within 90 days.

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May 9, 2023

I sent in a signed interim lien waiver in February with the pay app. Since it's been over 60 days does that negate my lien rights?

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May 9, 2023

The law has been changed so you have 90 days from the date of the lien waiver. So the date that you executed the lien waiver is crucial. Call me tomorrow at 404-500-6302 if you need help.  


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