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Can I file a mechanics lien?

IndianaMechanics Lien

I helped a buddy roof this ladies house there was no written contract but she contacted us to do the roof. It was a nightmare and the amount of repair was alot. So naturally the price increased almost double.we explained all of this to her b4 proceeding with the work. She agreed and we finished the roof . Now she is trying to only pay 10% of said bill. We've offered to pay for roof inspection by an outside source and nothing. The work is done to code and in my opinion. Was a great job done and she even said it looked great. What can I do?

1 reply

Jun 6, 2022

Give my office a call 260-782-1712. I need some more information regarding the facts and timeline. It sounds like you could have significant exposure under the Home Improvement Contract Act so the timing of any lien and enforcement of same can be pretty complex and needs to be carefully done to ensure compliance with the laws of IN and avoidance of violating same. I look forward to speaking with you. Best, Nick

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