Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can I file a mechanic's lien as a professional rather than as a contractor?

Can I file a mechanic's lien as a professional rather than as a contractor?


We are professionals working on a small (single family residence) project where we have been left in charge of the entire project for the past 4 1/2 years. The owner was supposed to eventually occupy the property with us after his wife died and split the costs as payment for our labor and materials. However, after his wife died we received a notice to vacate the property. The owner refuses to communicate with us and has hired an attorney who also refuses to communicate with us but claims the owner wants us out. We have received notices from the owner but none of these has been signed. The attorney who represents him refuses to prove she represents him. We just want to lien the property and move out.

1 reply

Nov 21, 2022
More information is needed. Professionals doing what? What is the project scope of work? Occupy the property with you...are you living there?
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