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Can I file a Mechanic's Lien against the company?

IndianaMechanics Lien

I hired a contractor to repair a plumbing issue at my home. He charged me $6250 and did not fix the problem, and I had to call another company to correct his work. Now I want my money back from the original contractor. After a phone conversation, I am not feeling very confident he will refund my money. Can I file a mechanic's lien against his business?

1 reply

Apr 22, 2022

Please give my office a call for a free consult to arrange reviewing a copy of the contract and getting some additional facts regarding parties. It sounds like you may have a claim under the Home Improvement Contract Act/Deceptive Consumer Sales Acts for 3x damages and attorneys fees. I look forward to speaking wtih you. 260-782-1712. Best, Nick

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