Home>Levelset Community>Legal Help>Can i file a lien for the remainder of a contract amount?

Can i file a lien for the remainder of a contract amount?


We have a project that has stopped because of lack of funding in GA. They have a remaining balance of 33,000.00. We have done 25,0000.00 of that work, perhaps a bit more. The contract was larger than this amount, but theyve paid up until now. Can I file the lien for the remaining balance of 33,000.00 or only the 25,000.00? It seems like they should be responsible for the remainder of the contract, but I am not sure.

1 reply

Jan 19, 2023

Hi, thank you for reaching out to our legal community. A Georgia lawyer has answered a similar question in the past: . That answer may help you. If you still have questions after checking out that thread, feel free to reach out to that lawyer directly.

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