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can I file a lien claim if Im unlicensed contractor?

CaliforniaLicensesRecovery OptionsRight to Lien

I'm an unlicensed contractor, and the owner of the house that I fixed, painted, and finished the construction work doesn't wan to pay me the labor that I did. how can I get my payment?

1 reply

Apr 8, 2020
If a license was required for the work that was performed, then a California mechanics lien cannot be filed by an unlicensed contractor. Further, other recovery tools - like lawsuits, small claims, and collections - aren't available to unlicensed contractors, either. With that being said, California contractors performing minor work (under $500) don't need a license. "Unofficial" recovery tools like invoice reminders, demand letters, or potentially a Notice of Intent to Lien might be useful in convincing an owner to make payment. But, in terms of official claims, I'm not sure that an unlicensed contractor will really have many options to force payment in California. Clearly, California takes licensing very seriously. For further discussion on California's licensing requirements: (1) California Contractors License and the CSLB: Understanding the Rules; and (2) California Licensing Legal Questions.
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